What Is it?
The 1968 club celebrates past achievements, and looks forward to the future by creating additional touchpoints where graduates can engage with, and support our chapter.
Lambda Omega is proud to be launching our first initiative designed to help Graduate Brothers stay involved with the Brotherhood that gave them some of their best experiences during their college days. The Fiji 1968 Club will help build on the passion and love experienced in their time in chapter by extending the opportunity to Graduate Brothers to help improve the chapter ritual experience. The 1968 Club is the best way a Brother can give back to chapter as it puts Lambda Omega in a position for generations to come to remain one of Phi Gamma Delta’s most successful chapters.
From our humble beginnings in 1968, the Lambda Omega chapter of Phi Gamma Delta recently celebrated our 50th anniversary and most successful Pig Dinner in our chapters history. As those of us that had the privilege to attend our most recent Pig Dinner know, there is a feeling that cannot be replicated anywhere else when 50 years of Brotherhood and love culminate in the Great Hall. 1968 Club exists to create new opportunities for our Brothers across generations to come together and reconnect us all with the same passion and pride we felt during our initiation ritual. We are excited to launch our new graduate engagement initiative, the 1968 club.
What We’re looking to achieve
The FIJI 1968 Club is looking to help chapter raise funding for projects that will help Lambda Omega grow, and reconnect with our roots.
All donations will go toward Ritual Equipment followed by Housing Improvements, Phi Gamma Delta Memorabilia, Scrapbooks, Preserving Chapter History, Grad Events, and Chapter Development.